Ocean Arks International is a non-profit research and outreach organization. It incorporated in 1982 with the goal of spreading the ideas and practices of ecological sustainability throughout the world. Among its major projects is the protection and restoration of the world’s waters.
journal of ocean arks
A message from the president
Our dream for Ocean Arks International is to link projects and people across the globe in a mutually reinforcing whole. Our goal is to undertake landscape and ocean restoration on a larger scale than in the past. We want to demonstrate environmental repair, carbon sequestration, and climate stabilization.
As we venture into 2024 we are permeating the digital landscape. We hope to build community around solution-based ecological systems that benefit both people and our planet. Please join me and follow along our journey by subscribing to the OAI newsletter.
Dr. John Todd
become a member
Ocean Arks International has been supported over the years by the generosity of local, state and federal agencies, private foundations, the philanthropy of individuals, and “Annals of Earth” subscribers. Annals of Earth is on hold for now and membership going forward will include a digital subscription to the library of Annals of Earth. For now, we kindly ask to support us through a donation as we archive many years worth of this treasured collection.
Please consider a donation. Your support is critical to our mission. Ocean Arks International is a 501-c3, tax-exempt organization.